Campbell Family Curry

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I have been asked on a number of occasions what my families favourite Sunday dinner is. In some families there would be a big shout out for a traditional Roast dinner, but not in this house, it’s Chicken curry! Campbell Curry in particular. You may ask why is it called Campbell Curry? Campbell is my […]

Christmas catering – sorted

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  Your Christmas catering needs ‘sorted’… Whether for you at home or to share with your customers: 50 homemade mincemeat pies and 30 mini Christmas puddings for £70 A treat for you and a friend or a reward for your staff: afternoon tea, scones, cake, sandwiches and savory tart for £15 per person I am […]

Solo Dining

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In my blog and on twitter, I have suggested for people to come along to a Supper Club either solo, in a couple or as part of a group. It got me thinking how I have experienced Supper Clubs always going with someone I knew already, having a friendly face at your side when you […]

Winter Warmers Event – November

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My next supper club will take place on the 12th November, 2011. The theme for this event will be “Winter Warmers” – soups, stews, pies and delectable puddings. The menu will be published closer to the time. Those who attended the first event went home “dreaming of cheesecake” and “wanting the recipe for the chilli”, […]

My First Supper Club

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My First Supper Club Well, what a fab night- after all the preparation and cooking, the night went off really well and it all wound down about midnight. My husband performed miracles in keeping the dishes under control all evening and the kitchen was tidier throughout the evening than I’ve ever seen it when he’s […]


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Welcome cocktails and nibbles Antipasta plate Aubergine and feta salad Chicken cakes with coriander pesto Bread Choc chip beef chilli Chicken enchiladas Guacamole, salsa, rice, salad and tortilla chips White chocolate and raspberry cheesecake Prosecco and pomegranate jelly

Baking Today for Friends

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  Thanks to those of you who have already signed up for my first supper club- the tickets are going well, still a few places left if you are interested. Thinking about  a date in November for the second one. Did some cooking today for friends coming to lunch: made beef Thai salad, chicken Thai […]

Wendy’s Supper Club – First Event – 27th August

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Welcome to my blog for one of the newest Supper Clubs in Edinburgh – I’m delighted to announce our first Supper Club will be held on 27th August, 2011. If you are interested, reserve your places by buying tickets or paying deposits for each place, which you can do securely through PayPal from the right […]